Creating a space where there is equitable access to authentic, meaningful and relevant learning environments for all students in varying contexts (online, within the classroom and beyond) is an integral component of supporting a positive and successful learning experience.
In education, equity means “offering individualized support to students that addresses possible barriers” and “provid[ing] people with resources that fit their circumstances” – essentially, it is adaptable, individual-based and fair (Waterford, 2019). By ensuring that all students have suitable access to course materials, choice and opportunity to engage in class activities and experiences, students will be better equipped to immerse themselves in their learning as they grow and develop.
Universal Design for Learning
One of the approaches discussed in this week’s reading is the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework, which aims to “guide educational practice that provides flexibility in the ways that information is presented, in the ways students respond or demonstrate knowledge and skills, and in the ways students are engaged” (Basham et al., 2018, p. 480). Consideration and integration of UDL guidelines into your teaching practice is an effective way to ensure equitable access to your students as they are given multiple avenues to think, learn and participate through.

What makes UDL so applicable to all learning contexts is that it advocates for the understanding of “variability being the norm rather than the exception” in working to address the “academic, social and cultural distinctions that exist in today’s schools” (Basham et al., 2018, p. 480). In light of COVID-19 and remote teaching, recognizing the importance of “having a heightened awareness of the inequalities implicit in online education” (Selwyn, 2020) such as differences in technology resourcing, parental support, personal responsibilities is key. Another important aspect in ensuring equity, in addition to utilizing UDL and adopting a digitally-flexible approach, is remembering to display “high levels of digital empathy, care and compassion towards students” (Selywn, 2020) as they attempt to navigate their learning environments alongside new expectations and social and emotional changes.

In designing an equitable learning space, it is also important to consider creating opportunities for students to test new responsibilities, have control, and express themselves and new ideas. Kral and Schwab (2020) suggest several design principles to provide students access to in their learning environment:
- A space young people control
- A space for hanging out and ‘mucking around’
- A space where learners learn
- A space to grow into new roles and responsibilities
- A space to practice oral and written language
- A space to express self and cultural identity through multimodal forms
- A space to develop and engage in enterprise
- A space to engage with the world
Moving forward
While I already had some previous experience exploring and working with the UDL framework from previous courses and assignments, I found it very interesting and insightful learning how these concepts would translate into an open and distributed context. After completing this week’s readings, I hope to dive further into researching how to conduct assessment (formative and summative) in online spaces in an equitable and accessible way. I also enjoy sharing my learning through visual ways, so I am curious to discover how visual thinking strategies may play a role in assessment as well.
Basham, J.D., Blackorby, J., Stahl, S. & Zhang, L. (2018) Universal Design for Learning Because Students are (the) Variable. In R. Ferdig & K. Kennedy (Eds.), Handbook of research on K-12 online and blended learning (pp. 477-507). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University ETC Press.
Kral, I. & Schwab, R.G. (2012). Chapter 4: Design Principles for Indigenous Learning Spaces. Safe Learning Spaces. Youth, Literacy and New Media in Remote Indigenous Australia. ANU Press . Retrieved from: %EF%BB%BF
Selwyn. N. (2020). Online learning: Rethinking teachers’ ‘digital competence’ in light of COVID-19.[Weblog]. Retrieved from:
Waterford. (2019, May 2).Why understanding equity vs equality in schools can help you create an inclusive classroom.
July 21, 2020 — 4:50 pm
Leona, this is more A+ quality work. I just commented on Josh’s blog that reading his posts has been a welcome respite from the horrorshow that 2020 has proven to be to this point. I feel the same way with your writing. Of course, this is a very biased opinion because you are one of my best friends, and I find you to be an absolute gem of a human being.
I liked that you included the eight design principles from the Kral article, I put them in my blog post too, but in the form of an infographic.
Honestly, when I read your work, I look for strategies that I can implement in my writing because it feels like an expert in the field wrote it. I have no doubts that you are going to be successful in whatever path you choose to take in life, whether it’s being a teacher or pursuing a graduate degree. I’m pretty sure I’ll be calling you Dr. Ngan one day. As always, an absolute pleasure to read.
From your friend Timm.
July 21, 2020 — 11:05 pm
Hey Leona!
I love your version of the definition of equity in education. I think that it is crucially important to note that there are differences when it comes to creating equity in various situations. I cannot say enough how much you help us as readers hyperlinking all your resources! It is a perfect example of how we can use interactive and multimedia learning in all our classes. I love how you included the design principles as well from the Kral & Schwab reading. I found that reading to be easily the most insightful to me and truly opened my mind to the possibilities that can come from making learning spaces that provide equity for all learners. As a per-usual great blog, and wonderful use of combining all the readings to make one beautiful summary.