Follow my educational account on Twitter @leona_ngan!

Below is an audio file providing a short summary and reflection of this activity:


My introductory tweet:

Responding to questions posed by other educators:

Finding and sharing educational resources:

Connection to Course Learning Outcomes

  • Practice digital, networked, and open literacies in support of learning about distributed and open learning – by creating a Twitter account and building an online presence, I am able to practice and deepen my understanding digital networking while also expanding my knowledge of open and distributed learning by sharing ideas with others in a free and accessible way.
  • Explore and engage with current literature on the distributed and open education movement – by following the class hashtag, I was able to find and explore new academic articles and blogs and add my thoughts surrounding this topic. One example is the Mindshift article I retweeted about incorporating UDL into online spaces.
  • Conduct research into and critically reflect upon emerging and future educational technologies – by exploring educational tools shared and discussed by other educators and teaching accounts, I was able to reflect on the differing educational technologies available for use in the classroom.