From my prior knowledge and experiences, I understand the fundamental role relationship building plays in supporting student learning and engagement. As explored through humanistic and social learning models such as Dr Martin Brokenleg’s Circle of Courage framework, Alan McLean’s 3 A’s of Motivation and Vygotsky’s social-cultural theory, interacting with others is a vital part of the learning process – promoting open communication channels between students and teachers and creating an interactive space allows students to fully immerse themselves in their learning. Further, as argued by Garret Dickkers, “social presence is an essential literacy for cultivating emotions and relationships that enhance overall learning experience” (2018).
However, before diving into this week’s readings and activities, I had a limited understanding of the different types of learning interactions and how meaningful social interactions could be designed and effectively integrated into an online and open learning format. What factors need to be considered when learning occurs through an avenue that is not face to face?
Social Interaction in K-12 Online Learning
In the Handbook of Research in K-12 Online and Blended Learning, Garret Dickkers states that while the importance and necessity of social interaction is widely recognized, there is currently limited research on the topic as well as a lack of emphasis placed throughout the instructional design process within open and online learning.

Out of the three types of interactions which support learning (learner-instructor, learner-learner and learner-content), learner-instructor and learner-content have been used more frequently, and proven to hold higher educational and motivational value in improving grades and disposition towards course content. On the other hand, learner-learner interactions, which are also central to online learning design and important for group/peer socialization, are often supported far less. With collaborative activities and experiences, different learning needs must be considered.
Addressing the challenges associated with learner-learner interactions is essential for successful learning and relationship building to occur. Garret Dickkers recommends using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) guidelines to assist with supporting all learners. In addition, offering multiple pathways through a differentiated approach is critical component in supporting student choice and autonomy.

Moreover, Garret Dickkers suggests following the ‘social presence model’ as a guide to create an effective, interactive learning space that is conducive to fostering collaboration, communication and connection between peers. The five aspects of the model include:
- Affective Association – how students and teachers show emotion online
- Community Cohesion – seeing the class as a community
- Instructor Involvement – how the instructor shows involvement in student learning
- Interaction Intensity – what ways and how often students interact
- Knowledge and Experience – what ways students share their prior knowledge and experiences with course content
Overall, a clear focus on facilitating learning through making connections and building a strong sense of community is key for fostering deeper learning regardless of the teaching method (online vs face to face). Framing one’s pedagogy around the importance of relationship building by being purposeful in design, incorporating interactive opportunities, broadening definitions of success, providing additional learner supports and proactively evaluating and revising one’s approach are some of the ways to create effective learning spaces online.

In terms of our class activities this week, I really enjoyed the asynchronous ‘icebreaker’ introduction activity on Coursespaces. While relatively simple, I appreciated being able to learn more about everyone and put faces to names as opposed to simply labels on a screen. I thought that this was an effective way to start building a sense of community even without being together in the same room!
In the future, I hope to learn more about different strategies for designing effective learning activities which help build strong student connections. In particular, I am looking forward to possibly curating a resource list of a variety of educational technology applications that aid in developing social presence for both online and open learning.
Garrett Dikkers, A. (2018) Social Interaction in K-12 Online Learning. In R. Ferdig & K. Kennedy (Eds.), Handbook of research on K-12 online and blended learning (pp. 509-522 ). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University ETC Press.
Roberts, Verena. (2020, July 5). Topic 1: July 6-9 introductions, privacy, and human-centred learning. Edtech UVic.
July 9, 2020 — 2:18 pm
Leona, I’m happy to see that we made the same connections to our previous knowledge, C.O.C., 3 A’s, etc.. Your summary and analysis of the Amy Garret Dickers chapter from Handbook of Research in K-12 Online and Blended Learning, was very informative. It gave me a better understanding of it than I had from my own reading.
A question I have that was brought about from your post is about when you mention Garret Dickers’ recommendation of using U.D.L. and providing multiple pathways for different learners in online learning. Do you think that these things are contradictory, due to numerous channels not being universal? Also, do you feel that the differentiated pathways for learning for different students is not as conspicuous online than it would be in a F2F setting, and therefore avoids the pitfall of identifying students who may be “behind” others?
Anyways, great post (as usual), and I look forward to reading more of your work.
July 10, 2020 — 11:00 am
Leona, there are a few things that I discovered upon reading your final version of this post (as my first comment was on your draft). Firstly, I loved the way you admitted you had limited knowledge of a few aspects of this week’s topic. By doing this, you created a sense of credibility due to your humbleness and vulnerability. Moreover, your writing in this post felt like something written by an education professional. You used some personal opinions and experiences that furthered a sense of credibility. Your conclusion included what you hope to learn and an excellent idea to make a list of tools; this was a highly effective ending. Your post shows that you learned from this week’s material and even used some of it in your work. Additionally, your learning from EDCI 337 was apparent throughout.
After reading Kirby, Josh, and your blogs this week, I am determined to improve the quality of my work to match the members of my learning pod.
July 10, 2020 — 11:25 am
Amazingly said Leona! After reading just the introduction to your post you made me realize that I knew so much more about the importance of relationships amongst humans. I must have completely sidestepped all my memories and knowledge of Dr. Martin Brokenleg’s Circle of Courage and Alan McLean’s 3 A’s of Motivation while conjuring up this post but thanks to your words I can now see and understand just how relevant all of these different learning models are to the topic of human-centered learning in online and open learning contexts. I enjoyed your comment about building a strong sense of community is important to learning regardless of the teaching method, I think that this statement is so important in this day and age where online classes are now the norm of our education. A teacher’s goal should not be about just passing on the content and knowledge in the simplest means possible but instead should be about creating a universally fit classroom community where knowledge and content come easily based on the relationships built within.
Teya Wij
July 11, 2020 — 7:29 pm
Thank you so much for your informative post. I totally agree with what you said about fostering relationships both in person and face-to-face. In the ever-changing world of technology, I too think that it’s important to hold onto the understanding that it is human connection that feeds intellectual growth and flourish. Building a strong community regardless of the means is valuable in all aspects of education (K-12 and beyond!). The point about “affective association” stuck with me, and made me think about how having a presence online and interacting virtually can change the way on is perceived, both in a positive and negative way. It’s interesting to think about how that affects student/teacher relationships. I’m interested in learning how to navigate that!