This week, I decided to participate in the open learning activity on Padlet. I discussed my initial thoughts and opinions using this tool in a short audio file here:
Audio Player
To visually demonstrate my learning and understanding of this week’s activity, I chose to create a mind map summary.

Connection to Course Outcomes
- Practice digital, networked, and open literacies in support of learning about distributed and open learning – participating in this activity allowed me to directly engage in an open learning space as I could pose questions as well as answer them alongside my peers and the broader educational activity (as Dr. Roberts shared it with colleagues on Twitter).
- Examine and reflect upon the potential for equitable access for all learners in online and open learning contexts – through the discussions on Padlet, our class explored different ways open learning could be used to support a plethora of different learners and needs.
- Develop an awareness of the potential of human-centered learning in online and open learning contexts – using this application supported human-centered learning in that it is accessible, flexible and open as I could choose how I wanted to participate and what I wanted to explore.
Comments by leona